Books By Me

Becoming America’s Stories series

Becoming America’s Food Stories

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Hug Everyone You Know: A Year of Community, Courage, and Cancer chronicles my first year battling breast cancer treatment as a wimpy patient. Through journaling and sending emails to family and friends—My Everyone, I was engaged in life’s stories and somehow, found courage.  I signed the emails with the reminder to “hug everyone you know.” Those emails and journal entries are at the heart of my story. It was serendipitous that I was able to hone the elusive bravery because less than five years later, metastatic breast cancer popped into my life and onto my vertebrae. Writing a hopeful memoir became an imperative goal. I couldn’t leave the stories unsaid.

All of us have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the kids. The lock down is not an overextended school holiday. Children struggle through the new routines and limits. They need their thoughts and ideas acknowledged, and a means to practice patience and kindness toward others and themselves. Journaling through the quarantine is a productive way to reflect calm and appreciation. Through writing, observations sharpen, and feelings sort so that paths to peace and solutions reveal themselves. 

Journal On! Thoughts Gleaned While Quarantined is available NOW! Contact me to request your free digital copy. 

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